Course Contents
Course Code and Title: ANT 103-Introduction to Social Anthropology
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: First year, Autumn
Course Length: One semester, 3 hours lectures per week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 5
Lecturer: Dr. Balkı Şafak
Course Content:
- The scope of anthropology, its subject-matter, methodology and ve basic concepts
- The concept and theories of culture
- Biological and cultural evolution
- The economical and political systems
- Culture, personality and gender
- Kinship, marriage and family
- Religion and Language
- Identity, Ethnicity and Race
- Applied Anthropology
- Contemporary Anthropology
Course Objectives: At the and of the courses, students should be able to
- Explain the basic concepts and principles of anthropology
- Characterize the basic approaches to explaining culture
- Explain the biological and cultural evolution
- İnterpret the economic and political varieties of societes and describe how kinship and gender are related to socialization processes
- Explain and interpret how belief systems arise, the varieties of belief systems and the interconnections between language and culture
- Explain the concepts of identity, ethnicity and “race”
- Have an idea about the application areas of anthropology and its position in contemporary world
- Interpret the cultural processes in contemporary world
Teaching Method: Lecture, class discussions, films.
Assessment method: Midterm % 40, Participation in class discussions % 20, Final exam % 40
Recommended Reading:
Kottak, Conrad P. 2001. Antropoloji, Çev: H.Ü. Öğretim Üyeleri, Ankara, Ütopya yayınları