Course Code and Title: ING 127-Basic English I
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Credits: 2 2 3
ECTS Credits: 3
Course Level: Undergraduate (BA)
Course Content: This course helps the students gain basic English grammar knowledge and develop their basic reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.
Course Length: One Semester
Medium of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: No
Main Teaching & Evaluation Method: A student-centered approach is adopted and active participation is sought for. Language teaching methods and techniques that foster learner autonomy are used. Achievement is evaluated by means of taking the average scores of the midterm exams (50%) and the final exam (50%).
Suggested References: Oxeden Clive, Koenig Christina Latham and Selingson Paul.
New English File Elementary/ Student’s Book / Workbook / CD –
Rom / Cassettes (Oxford UP, 2009)
Exemption Exam: Carried out at the beginning of every autumn and spring semester.