Course Code and Title: SOS 114-Sociology of Law
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: First year, Spring
Course Length: One semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 303
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. Halim Çavuşoğlu
Course Content: Characteristics of scientific knowledge, classification of sciences, social sciences, developing and appearing of the Sociology of Law as a branch of science, the basic knowledge about subject of sociology of law, its parts and method, the theoretical sociology of law, systematic sociology of law, typology of law and genetic sociology of law, in this concept definition of sociology of law, examining of the law from sociological perspective, real resources of law, types of community and laws which they created are brought up, the phenomena of law and change, factors that cause of the changing of the law, functions of law on and against with the social changes, and also discussing the ideas of the important social philosophers who gave help to constitution process of the sociology of law.
Course Objectives: At the end of the semester the students will be able to…know that, the law as an “social phenomena” has a meaning which contain even surpass the “Positive Law” and this written law is only one of the determination manners of the law, explain that fact, there is no any community (in the past or now, written or not written, reached or not reached to level degree phase of state) without law and where is the human social life there is also law, comprehend that there is a mutual interaction relations between the law and the other social phenomena; especially with the rapid social change there could be gaps (lags) between the positive law and social life; and to accelerate the change and to designate its direction “social engineering” function or exceptionally to slow speed of change down and turn its direction “preserving of status quo” function are loaded to positive law.
Teaching Method: Lectures and classroom discussions.
Assessment Method: Written exam, two ‘midterms’ (50%) and one ‘final’ (50%).
Recommended Reading List:
Can, Cahit. (1993) Oluşum Süreci İçerisindeki Hukuk Sosyolojisi, Ankara: Savaş Yayınları.
Gürkan, Ülker. (1994) Hukuk Sosyolojisine Giriş, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
Hirş, Ernest. (1996) Hukuk Felsefesi ve Hukuk Sosyolojisi Dersleri, Ankara: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü.
İzveren, Adil. ( 1995) Hukuk Sosyolojisi, İzmir: DEÜHF Yayınları.