Course Contents
Course Code and Title: SOS 115-Information Retrieval and Text Processors
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: First year, Autumn
Course Length: One semester
Prerequisite (s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 2 4 4
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. Birsen Şahin
Course Objectives: On completition of this course, students acquire basic knowledge of and develop their skills for accessing, processing and presenting information in electronic form.
Course Contents: This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge about the:
" Basis components and functions of computers
" Setting up e-mail account and using e-mail (in Outlook Express and internet browsers)
" Word processor (Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel) and writing scientific reports with the aid of a computer
" Searching for information in library databases
" Using Web search engine
Teaching Method: Theoretical, practical and discussion
Assessment Method: Written exam (two midterms 50%, one final exam 50%)
Recommended Reading List:
Carol Baroudi, John R. Levine, Margaret Levine Young Amatörler İçin İnternet, Dünya Yayıncılık; İstanbul, Ağustos
Yanık, Memik, Microsoft Word 97: Başlangıç-Orta ve İleri Düzey, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 1997.
Türkoğulları, Ümit (Ed), Adım Adım Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, (Çev. Ebru Yazıcı), Microsoft Corporation, Arkadaş Yayınları, Ankara, 2001.
Sökmen, Alev, Gündüz, Oya. Bilgisayar Kullanımı, Windows ve Ofis Programları, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2005