Course Contents

Course Code and Title: SOS 204-Classical Sociological Theories II

Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Second year, Spring
Course Length: One semester, 3 hours lectures per week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. Abdulkerim Sönmez
Course Contents: The course is organized in two parts. The first concentrates on developments in science, culture, economy and polity associating the process of emergence of modern capitalism and industrial society, the social transformations and problems acompanying this process, qualitative and quantitative aspects of modernity and major areas of discontinuity between earlymodern and premodern society. This is followed in the second part by an examination of the writings of Comte, Spencer, Marx and Tönnies. Special attention is paid to how certain concepts such as positivism, functionalism, evolution, social class, class conflict, capitalism, capital, commodity, deskilling, alineation, proleterianization and polarization have been constructed by these scholars and what kind of centrality they came to occupy in the development of later sociological theory, research and schools of thought.
Course Objectives: On successfull completion of this course, the student comprehends and expresses the approach and the fundamental theoretical structure of the work of each scholar within itself and in comparison to that of other scholars examined; understands and expresses the process and consequences of capitalist development, industrialization and modernization in the formation of contemporary world and their significance in the development of nineteenth and early twenteenht century social thought and sociological theory; understands, expresses, discusses and illustrates the merits and demerits of positivistic science, linear, evolutionary, conflictual, functional models of social and historical development
Teaching Method: Lectures and classroom discussions.  
Assessment Method: Written exam (two midtersm (50 %) and one final (50 %)).
Recommended Reading:
Aron, Raymond. (1989) Sosyolojik Düşüncenin Evreleri, ( Korkmaz Alemdar)            Ankara:           Bilgi Yayınevi.
Black, Jeremy. (1990) Eighteenth Century Europe 1700-1789, Macmillan.
Bottomore, T. ve Nisbet, R. (eds.) (1990) Sosyolojik Çözümlemenin Tarihi, Ankara: Verso.
Carver, Terrel (ed.) (1991) The Cambridge Companion to Marx, Cambridge University           Press.
Deane, Phyllis. (1979) The First Industrial Revolution. (2nd ed.) Cambridge University           Press.
Engels, Friedrich. (1987) The Conditions of the Working Class in England  (With a Foreword by        V. Kiernan), Penguin Books.
Giddens, Anthony. (1971) Capitalism and modern social theory. An analysis of the writings of           Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber, Cambridge University Press.
Hughes, John A., Sharrock, Wes and Martin, Peter J. (2003) Understanding Classical           Sociology.         Marx, Weber, Durkheim. Sage Publications.
Kelle, V. Ve Kovalson, M. (1978) Tarihsel Maddecilik Marksist Toplum Kuramının Ana Çizgileri,           ( Ö. Ufuk) İstanbul: Öncü Kitabevi.
Marx, Karl. (1986) The Portable Karl Marx, (ed. E. Kamenka) Penguin Books.
Morrison, Ken. (1995) Marx, Durkheim, Weber. The Formations of Modern Social        Thought, Londra, California ve Yeni Delhi: Sage Publications.
Ritzer, George. (1996). Classical Sociological Theory, 2nd ed. The McGraw-Hill            Companies, Inc.
Tönnies, Ferdinand (2001/1887) Community and Society, (Ed. Jose Harris; trans Jose Harris          and      Margaret Hollis). Cambridge University Press.Lecture notes