Course Code and Title: SOS 219-Sociology of Social Institutions
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Second Year, Autumn
Course Lenght: One semester, 3 theoretical, three hours in a week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. M. Demet Ulusoy
Course Objectives: It is being given in the first semester of the second year following Introduction to Sociology given in the first grade. It aims to scrutinize the process of the loosely-patterned action’s becoming an institution, the possible stages and mechanisms in this process are scrutinized and to enable the students to understand the main variables they need to tackle to make social structural analyses of a social institution in and after the process of formation. The second aim of the course is to ensure that students see that the concepts they have priorly learned in the introductory course make up a meaningful whole within a system as well as the aspects of meanings and contents in the social process, which are relatively structural and open to change. In this way, this course also indicates that the definitions of the given concepts are variable as a living organism and that in this respect the sociological perspective does not provide one with a readily available prescription. As a result, the course serves as a bridge for the students on the way to the following courses during which they will see the detailed descriptions (family, politics, economy, education, religion sociology etc.)
Course Content: At the first stage, what is discussed is the understanding of system, which displays a dynamic and static structuring of society, which accounts for the mainstay of the fact that the sociological perspective, which does not offer a readily available prescription is multifaceted and variable. In this respect, the system models put forward in the sociological literature and their acceptances on the social system are summarized. After showing that sociological concepts may change in content and meaning with acceptances, the main features of the institutions are given in the literature are submitted. At the third stage, the mechanisms and variables in the process of transformation of the non-structured behaviors to structured ones are discussed.
Theaching Method: Presentation and discussion
Assessment Method: Two midterms (50%) and one final (50%)
Recommended Reading:
Gökçe, Birsen (1996) Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı ve Toplumsal Kurumlar, Savaş Yayınevi.
Aydın, Mustafa (1997) Kurumlar Sosyolojisi Ankara: Vadi yayınları
Giddens, Anthony (2000) Sosyoloji, Ankara: Ayraç Yayınları. Bölüm: 7, 12, 13, 15, 16.
Kağıtçıbaşı, Çiğdem ( ) İnsan ve İnsanlar, İstanbul: Om Ofset, Kısım 3 ve 8.
Tolan, Barlas (1991) Toplum Bilimlerine Giriş, Birinci Kitap, Bölüm 2, 3, 4, 5
İkinci Kitap 1. Bölüm Kısım 1, 2, 3, 2. B Kısım 2 3. B Kısım 1,2,4. B kısım 1, 2,3,4.
Margaret, Poloma (1993) Çağdaş Sosyoloji Kuramları, Ankara: Gündoğan Yay., s.13-24.
Özkalp, Enver (1993) Sosyolojiye Giriş, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniv. Yayınları.