Course Code and Title: SOS 303-Classical Sociological Theories III
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Third year, Autumn
Course Length: One semester, 3 hours lectures per week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. Abdulkerim Sönmez
Course Contents: The course is organized in three parts. The first part, to which most of the teaching time is allocated, concentrates on examining the principal writings of Durkheim on the rules of sociological method, division of labour, suicide and religion and is followed by an examination of Weber’s writings on the subject matter of sociology, methodological principles and conceptual tools developed for the study of social action, forms of authority and domination, the relationship between Protestanism and modern capitalism, class, status and party, and on sociology as a scince and profession. The examination done in the first part serves as an agenda to discuss, in the second part, Pareto’s theory of social behaviour and its links with the circulation of the elites and, Tönnies’ analysis of forms of social relations, religion and Public opinion. The final part consists of a critical assessment of classical sociological theory with regard to major themes and issues and its relevance for theoretical analysis and research for the present.
Course Objectives: Any successfull student taken this course comprehends and expresses the approach and the fundamental theoretical structure of the work of each scholar within itself and in comparison to that of other scholars examined; comprehends, expresses and discusses central issues in classical sociological theory with regard to determining and studying its subject matter, the relations between agency and structure, science and values and the relevance of sociological theory in promoting sociological inquiry and understanding the contemporary social world.
Teaching Method: Lectures and classroom discussions.
Assessment Method: Written exam (two midtersm (50 %) and one final (50 %).
Recommended Reading:
Aron, Raymond. (1989) Sosyolojik Düşüncenin Evreleri, (çev. K. Alemdar). Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi.
Durkheim, E. (1986) Sosyolojik Metodun Kuralları, (çev. E. Aytekin) İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları.
_____ (2002) İntihar, (çev. Ö. Ozankaya), İstanbul: Cem Yayınevi.
Giddens, Anthony. (1971) Capitalism and modern social theory. An analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber, Cambridge University Press.
Kösemihal, N. Ş. (1971) Durkheim Sosyolojisi, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Morrison, Ken. (1995) Marx, Durkheim, Weber. The Formations of Modern Social Thought, Londra, California ve Yeni Delhi: Sage Publications.
Tönnies, Ferdinand (2001/1887) Community and Society, (Ed. Jose Harris; trans. Jose Harris and Margaret Hollis). Cambridge University Press.
Ritzer, George. (1996). Classical Sociological Theory, 2nd ed. The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.
Weber, Max. (1996) Sosyoloji Yazıları, (eds. H.H. Gerth ve C. W. Mills, çev. T. Parla) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
_____ (1997) Protestan Ahlakı ve Kapitalizmin Ruhu, (çev. Z. Aruoba). İstanbul: Hil Yayınları.
_____ (1995) Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Örgütlenme Kuramı, (çev. Ö. Ozankaya). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
Course Notes