Course Code and Title: SOS 322-Research Project Development
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Third year, Spring
Course Length: One semester, 2 hours lectures + 4 hours library and other studies
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 2 4 4
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: All professors in the department
Course Contents: Under the guidance of a supervisor of her/his choice, the student (i) choses a research topic which has originality with regard to theoretical or current social issues, (ii) makes an initial statement about the relevance and significance of her/his intended research project in promoting sociological knowledge and understanding of the issue under consideration, (iii) makes a list of and reviews available literature, documents, sources of data and other forms of information on the topic and decides the kind of questions or issues and the manner in which they are going to be dealt with, (iv) if necessary, expands the range of necessary readings and discusses the issues bearing relevance to the topic, objectives and the method of intended research project, (v) desings, if necessary, the questionaire or interview schedule and (vi) presents in written form the results all his/her work and studies as a research.
Course Objectives: The student develops her/his abilities of developing a research project with self-discipline, pruductivity, efficiency, grounded confidence and expression.
Teaching Method: In weekly meetings with the supervisor, the student reports on the the weekly progress of his/her work, dicussess the issues and problems faced and receives the supervisor’s suggestions.
Assessment Method: Unless otherwise specified by the supervisor: (i) originality of the topic preparing and revieving of available literature (20 %), (ii) determining the objectives, focus, significance and method of the project (20 %), (iii) determining and developing the appropriate techniques and means of data collection (20 %) (iv) self-discipline, productivity, efficiency and ability to work under supervision but independently (20 %) (v) report writing and the ability to express oneself in a coherent way (20 %).
Reading List:
The sources and references recommended by the individual supervisor and the appropriatebibliography formed by the student.