Course Code and Title: SOS 323-Social Structure of Turkey
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Third years, Autumn
Course Length: One semesters, total 3 hrs per week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. Cahit Gelekçi
Course Contents: The educational institutions and the administration systems which formed the social structure of Seljukid State Ottoman State and the Devshirme system in the historical process; The transition from Ottoman State to Turkish national state and the establishment of nationalization; the main dynamics of today’s Turkey, the tribal system, ethnic nationalism and terrorism, religious trends and various sub-identities and their effects on the process of national integrity; in this perspective, the modernization of Turkey, politics, education, religion and economy are studied in detail. Beside that, some theoretical and field researches about the subjects and problems of today’s Turkey form a part of this course.
Course Objectives: This course is the continuation of the course called socio-cultural structure of Turkish society, in this course, there is an institutional perspective to socio-cultural structure of Turkish society, the aim of the course is to make describe the sub-cultural groups occurring by means of the social differentiations in Turkish culture and their cultural characteristics. Beside that, the today’s problems and main subjects, becoming the main dynamics of Turkey are also studied to make the student conscious about today’s social structure and to give them a wider perspective.
Teaching Method: Lectures, homework and classroom discussions.
Assessment Method: One Written exam (%25) and Research Homework (%25) and one Final (%50)
Reading list:
Baykara, Tuncer. (2000). Türkiye’nin Sosyal ve İktisadi Tarihi, Ankara: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
Gökçe, Birsen. (1996). Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı ve Toplumsal Kurumlar, Ankara: Savaş Yayınevi.
Kazıcı, Ziya. (2003). Osmanlı’da Toplum Yapısı, İstanbul: Bilge Yayıncılık.
Book: Kongar, Emre. (1998). 21. Yüzyılda Türkiye, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Sümer, Faruk. (1999). Oğuzlar (Türkmenler), İstanbul: Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı.
Türkdoğan, Orhan. (2002). Osmanlıdan Günümüze Türk Toplum Yapısı, İstanbul: Çamlıca Yayınları.
——— (1997) Etnik Sosyoloji, İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
İnalcık, Halil. (1993). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu: Toplum ve Ekonomi, İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık.
Yasa, İbrahim. (1973). Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı ve Temel Sorunları, Ankara: TODAİE Yayını.