Course Code and Title: SOS 425-Graduation Study I
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Fourt year, Autumn
Course Length: One semester, 2 hours of assessment of progress + mininum 4 hours of practice
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 2 4 4
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: All professors in the department
Course Contents: The student conducts his/her research and collects the research data as planned by himself/herself in SOS 332 Research Project Development. The process may require the student to work during holiday periods depending on the topic and the type of the research undertaken.
Course Objectives: The student develops her/his abilities to conduct a research project under supervision, learns how to develop and cope with the problems of timing of research, ensure her/his productivity and quality of data collected, how to cope with the problems of effective communication with human subjects or sources of information and of the other problems of research process.
Teaching Method: In weekly meetings with the supervisor, the student reports on the the weekly progress of his/her work, dicussess the issues and problems faced and receives the supervisor’s suggestions.
Assessment Method: Unless otherwise specified by the supervisor, timing, planning and productivity (20 %), collecting the necessary data (40 %), devloping communication skills and coping with ethical problems (20 %) and reporting of the activities (20 %).
Reading List:
The sources and references recommended by the individual supervisor and the appropriate biblioraphy created by the student.