Course Code and Title: SOS 426-Graduation Study II
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Fourth year, Spring
Course Length: One semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 2 4 4
ECTS Credits: 8
Lecturer: All professors in the department
Course Contents: Based on the research project developed and conducted by himself/herself earlier in SOS 332 Research Project Development and SOS 425 Graduation Study I, the student produces a written research report analysing the research data, discusssing and interpreting the empirical and theoretical implications, and including his/her suggestions for further research.
Course Objectives: To develop the student’s ability to write a research report based on the data collected through a research project designed and conducted by herself/himself.
Teaching Method: In weekly meetings with the supervisor, the student reports on the the weekly progress of his/her work, dicussess the issues and problems faced and receives the supervisor’s suggestions.
Assessment Method: Unless otherwise specified by the individual supervisor, the quality of analysis and expression (70 %), the level of productivity according to work calendar (20 %), and the shape and physical quality of the rearch report (10 %).
Reading List:
The sources and references recommended by the individual supervisor and the appropriate biblioraphy created by the student.