Course Code and Title: SOS 438-Sociology of Economics
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Fourth year, Spring
Course Length: One semesters, total 3 hrs per week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 6
Lecturer: Dr. Ayça Gelgeç Bakacak
Course Contents: The content of this course is the purpose and subject of economical sociology and the arisen and development of economical thought both in west and east as well as the phases of economical thought and the trends representing these phases in accient Greek, feodalism and industrial societies. Apart from this, globalization and its effects, and poverty, unrecorded economy and being enterprising are in the scope of the course
Course Objectives: The main purpose of this study is to examine the economy not only being a technical and mathematical science but also with relation to the social, cultural and thought structures during the civilization history. In this frame, it has been drawn attention to both the role of economy on the structures of society and cultures and the effect of societies and cultures on the economical thoughts and mentalities.
Teaching Method: Lecture and discussion
Assessment Method: Writen exam (two midterms 50%, final exam 50%)
Reading List:
Erkan, HüsnÜ, (2000). Ekonomi Sosyolojisi, Barış Yayınları.
Özgüven, Ali. (2001). İktisadi Düşünceler - Doktrinler ve Teoriler, Filiz Kitabevi.
Douglas, Mary. (1999) Isherwood, Baron.Tüketimin Antropolojisi, Dost Kitabevi.