Course Code and Title: SOS 614-Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences
Course Type: Elective
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr. Esra Burcu
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Pre-requisite(s): None
Course Length: One Semester
Course Contents: Designing, comparing general characteristics of the positivistic approach and the interpretative approach ntroducing the importance of qualitative research, the theoretical basis of qualitative research, the process of qualitative research, the stages of qualitative research, the position of the investigator and the participants in the process of qualitative research, the techniques of data collection and data analysis,
introducing methods of fieldwork, focus group, case study, life story, content analysis
discussing the advantages and the disadvantages of qualitative research
investigating case studies conducted within the framework of qualitative approach and directing students to conduct qualitative research
Course Objectives: At the end of the semester the students will acquaire the theoretical basis of qualitative research, the process of qualitative research, the stages of qualitative research, the position of the investigator and the participants in the process of qualitative research, the techniques of data collection and data analysis. They will be able to compare general characteristics of the positivistic approach and the interpretative approach. The students will be familiar with the methods of fieldwork, focus group, case study, life story, content analysis and they will be able to put them into practice.
Teaching Method: Lectures, discussions, individual or group work, presentation.
Assessment Method: Written exam (25%), a research project (25%) and final exam (50%)
Recommended Reading:
Bernard, R., (2000), Social Research Method, Sage Pub. London
Gillham, B., (2000), Case Study Research Methods, Wellington House, London
Hollway, W. Ve T. Jefferson, Doing Qualitative Research Method, Sage Pub. New Delhi.
Morgan, L.D., (1997), Focus Groups and Qualitative Research, Sage Pub. New Delhi.
Neuman, L., (2003), Social Research Methods: Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches,
Pearson Edu. Boston.
Punch, K.F. (1998), Introduction to Social Research, Sage Pub., London. Shostak, M. (2003), Nisa, Şahin Kaya Matbaası: İstanbul
Tutty L.M, M. Rothery ve R.M. Grinnell, Qualitative Research for Social Workers, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.