Course Code and Title: SOS 628-Sociology of Art
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Masters
Year and Semester: Spring
Course Length: One Semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr. M. Demet Ulusoy
Course Content: Primarily social system models in the sociology literature and within this context, fundamental methodical approaches used in sociology of art and their leading representatives are discussed and then the social limits, functions and the paradoxical results of art are scrutinized within the context of its interaction with other social institution as religion, economics, politics and technology. In the pivot of art and social conditions, qualifications of art (as primitive folk arts, classical and romantic eras, modern and postmodern arts) and the artist, sense of art and functions differentiating throughout the social evolution, and related aesthetic criteria are discussed in this framework.
Course Objectives: Students have the ability of considering art as a social institution in a sociological point of view. Students develop their interests on dissociating the subjective and objective reference spheres of art as a norm system and on about the variables and processes of art’s social entity domain. Students deepen their knowledge by discussing the differences that varied theoretical approaches focused both on art as a social system and both on the interaction of art with global social system. Students realize that interaction between art and other institutions has an open-ended paradoxical attitude, and they discuss how the content, definitions and the limits of art alter.
Teaching Method: Lecturing, discussion, presentations of written reports, screening, imaginary museum tour
Assessment Method: Written Reports (50%) an done final report (50&)
Recommended Reading List:
Ulusoy, Demet (2006) Sanatın Sosyal Sınırları Ankara: Utopya Yayınları
Arnould, Houser (1984) Sanatın Toplumsal Tarihi, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Lyton, Norbert (1982) Modern Sanatın Öyküsü, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Şeylan, Gencay ( 2006) Postmodernizm,İmge Kitapevi Yay.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1999) Sanatın Kuralları, Yapı Kredi yay.
Chin-too Wu (2005) Kültürün Özelleştirilmesi, İstanbul: sena Ofset
Foster, Hall (2004) Tasarım ve Suç, İltişim yay.
Adorno, Theodor (2006) Estetik ve Politika,Alkım yay.
Fisher, J.L. ‘Art styles as Cultural Cognitive Maps,’ in: Milton C. Albrect, James H. Barnett, Mason Griff (Eds) (1970) The Sociology of Art and Literature ,Praeger Publishers.72-90
Kroeber, A.L ‘Style in the Fine Arts’, in: Milton C. Albrecht, James H. Barnett, Mason Griff (Eds.) (1970) The Sociology of Art and Literature , Praeger Publishers.121-137
Kenneth Clark, ‘Art and Sociey’, in: Milton C. Albrect, James H. Barnett, Mason Griff (Eds.) (1970) The Sociology of Art and Literature ,Praeger Publishers, 635-621.
Adorno, T.W. ‘Art,Society, Aesthetics’, in: Aesthetic Theory, (1984)Rotledge and Kegan Paul London, ,Eng.Trc. Lenhart, 1-22 . Trans: Taylan Altuğ, Sanat , Toplum ,Estetik /http://www.sinemasal.gen. tr/adorno.htm
Özçelik, Sadık ‘On iki Ton Besteleme Tekniği’ G.Ü. Eğütim Fakültesi Dergisi,(2001) Vol 21, Sayı: 3,173-186.