Course Code and Title: SOS 665-Current Problems in Turkish Sociology
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Masters
Course Semester: Autumn
Course Length: One semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr. Nevin Güngör Ergan
Course Contents:
- In general, the problems of sociology.
- The current problems of the Turkish sociology.
- The problems of the sociology education in Turkey.
- One or more basic social problems will be selected to be investigated and evaluated as to what kind of identifications and solution proposals have been made about them in the
Turkish sociology.
Course Objectives: The end of this course the students can explain, interprete and evaluate in general, the problems of sociology the current problems of the Turkish sociology, the problems of the sociology education in Turkey. One or more basic social problems will be selected to be investigated and evaluated as to what kind of identifications and solution proposals have been made about them in the Turkish sociology.
Teaching Method: The post-graduate students are supposed to examine the issue, to prepare a research paper and to deliver a presentation, active participation and discussions are encouraged.
Assesment Method: One report ( 50 % ) and a final report ( 50 % ).
Required Reading List:
(1991) 75. Yılında Türkiye’de Sosyoloji, (Haz: İsmail Coşkun), İstanbul: Bağlam Yayını.
Kasapoğlu, Aytül. (1991) Yüksek Öğretimde Sosyoloji Eğitiminin Sorunları, Ankara.
(t.y.) Sorgulanan Sosyoloji, (Haz: M. Çağatay Özdemir) Ankara: Eylül Yayınevi.
Sezer, Baykan. (1988) Türk Sosyolojisinin Ana Sorunları, İstanbul: Sümer Kitabevi
Sezer, Baykan. (1993) Sosyolojide Yöntem Tartışmaları, İstanbul: Sümer Kitabevi Yayını.
Tuna, Korkut. (2002) Yeniden Sosyoloji, İstanbul: Karakutu Yayını.
Ülken, Hilmi Ziya. (1955) Sosyolojinin Problemleri, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi
Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayını.