Course Code and Title: SOS 697-Socio-Cultural Theories
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Masters
Year and Semester: Autumn
Course Length: One semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr. Cahit Gelekçi
Course Contents: Culture theories and the concept of culture will be studied within the frame of basic sociological theories the development models of culture sciences and culture theories will be studied.
Course Objectives: The main objective of the course to give knowledge about social and cultural theories and concepts.
Theaching Method: Lectures and classroom discussions.
Assessment Method: Written exam (two midterms (50 %) and one final (50 %)).
Recommended Reading List:
Kroeber, A.L. (1948). Anthropology, Harcout Brace and Co., New York.
Barnouw, Victor. (1975). An Introduction to Anthropology: Ethnology, The Dorsey Pres, London.
Burry, B., H.L. Tıschler. (1991). Race and Ethnic Relations, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.