Course Code and Title: TAR 241-Social History
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Year and Semester: Second Year, Autumn
Course Lenght: One semester, 3 theoretical, three hours in a week
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 5
Lecturer: Dr. Yunus KOÇ
Course Contents:
Course Objectives:
At the end of the courses students should be able to
Make the description and explanation of the historical sociology, recognise the process of the formation of sociology as a science, analyse the history of social institutions, appreciate the connections between the historical and sociological research techniques, and evaluate tne comparative perspectives adopted by history and sociology.
Teaching method: Lectures, discussion, reading practice
Assessment method: Participation % 10, 2 Midterms % 40, Final exam % 50
Recommended Reading:
BURKE, Peter, Tarih ve Toplumsal Kuram, çev. Mete Tunçay, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul 2000 (2. bs).
SKOCPOL, Theda,(Editör), Tarihsel Sosyoloji, çev Ahmet Fethi, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yay., İstanbul 2002 (2. Bs)
ERGUN, Doğan, Sosyoloji ve Tarih, Sosyolojide Yöntem Sorunu, Der yay. İstanbul 1982 (2bs).
BEHAR, Büşra Ersanlı, İktidar ve Tarih, Türkiye’de “Resmi Tarih” Tezinin Oluşumu (1929- 1937), Afa yay., İstanbul 1996, (2. Bs).