Course Code and Title: TKD 104-Turkish Language II
Type of Course: Compulsory
Course Credits: 2 0 2
ECTS Credits: 4
Lecturer: to be nominated by the Department
Language of Instruction: Turkish
Pre-requiste: None
Course Lenght: 1 semester (4 theoretical, 4 hours week).
Course Contents:
Course Objectives: The end of the course, student, will know common mistakes in usage of language; the student will improve capacity of written and oral expression.
Teaching Methods: Theoretical lectures
Assessment Methods: Consistency of class attendance (%5), 1 theoretical midterm (%15), projects (%30), and 1 theoretical final examination (%50).
Reading List:
Atabey, İbrahim vd., Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon Bilgileri, yargı yay., 2005.
Demir, N., Emine Yılmaz, Türk Dili El Kitabı, Grafiker, Ankara 2003
Zülfikar, H., Yüksek Öğretimde Türkçe Yazım ve Anlatım, Ankara 1977.